Three months after the Brexit referendum and there has been no property market apocalypse as some had predicted. As ever, we British are very good at keeping calm and carrying on. Fortunately the referendum itself was simply a pointer to change, not a change in itself and we probably have three years over which to adjust to the gradual implications that may affect the market.

Interestingly, the RICS reports that new
sales listings have fallen at the fastest rate ever, possibly indicating a
“wait and see” attitude from sellers. Buyers on the other hand appear much more
confident, especially with interest rates at 0.25%! This imbalance of supply
and demand, plus medium- to long-term uncertainty suggests that people
considering a sale in 2017 and beyond might be well advised to bring their
decision forward. Not only would they be able to maximise their own sale price,
but they’d be in a stronger position as they themselves become buyers as more
properties potentially come to market, at a time when things might not seem so
If we can help you reach the right decision for your own circumstances, then please feel free to call us on 01245330500 for friendly, sincere, expert advice
It’s really very informative that I wanted ever, thanks for this.